One of well at Mokai field which has lower pressure than Mokai Power Station system needed, is used by greenhouses to plant vegetables like tomatoes. This direct use system use shell and tube heat exchanger. This heat exchanger type is also use by Rotorua hospital, for space heating and others activities in hospital and staff resident and timber drying factory. In timber drying factory, geothermal fluid system replaces natural gas or coal system.
Geothermal energy has been known and used for centuries. Records show that the Chinese, Romans, Turks, Japanese, Icelanders, Central European and the Maori people of New Zealand have used the resources for heating, bathing, and cooking. These uses continue today with Japan, for example using over 1,500 hot-spring resorts. Geothermal energy was also used in Indutrial context in Nothern Italy, who made decorative enamels from the boric acid deposited by steam and hot water at Lardarello. The acid was first extracted commercially in 1818. It quickly became useful and by 1835, 9 (nine) factories had been constructed in the region. The municipal heating districk of Reykjavik, Iceland, in 1928 was another early industrial application. These uses of the resource were restricted to areas where the hot water or steam was easily accessible, so while it was marvelled at, the concept of use not widespread. Other forms of energy were plentiful and inexpensive at the time.
In the New Zealand, direct use of geothermal energy has been used in several industries and had been reached the commerciality. Even in Indonesia we have used it, but the utilization is not in large scale and less commercial. Below is several industries in New Zealand which used geothermal energy directly. Some of them are applicable in Indonesia with different commodities.
2. Mokai Glasshouses
Mokai greenhouse is the greenhouse which used geothermal fluid from Mokai geothermal field. The fluid is come from one production well that is not use by power plant because its pressure is not enough to fulfill the power plant system requirement. Mokai-2 (MK-2) is the name of the well which use for this greenhouses, it has about 1,500 m depth. Wellhead pressure is about 45 barg, and 12 barg for inlet pressure heat exchanger system. Type of heat exchanger is shell and tube heat exchanger. The geothermal fluid is inside tube and fresh water which will be heated is outside the tubes (shell side). The fresh fluid can heat about 11.5 Ha (115,000 m2) of greenhouses areas. One problem in this system is scaling because silica precipitation and then blocked the tube in heat exchanger. It was because of uncontinous production about three days on and off, and now they are trying to keep the production continuously to avoid scaling problems.
Shell and tube heat exchanger (top)
and heat exchanger system in Mokai Greenhouses
This system is for keeping the greenhouses temperature, which plant tomatoes, about 16°C -22°C. CO2 supply is provided by liquid CO2. Currently, they are trying to separates CO2 from the wells from H2S. They can export it the product to Japan for all year because it is not depend on the seasons so that, it is very good business. This kind of direct use can be applied in Indonesia, for only export commodity because the price of vegetable especially tomatoes is cheap even sometime its price is higher in dry seasons. So that, it is needed more feasibility study.
Mokai Greenhouses
This is one of industry that use geothermal as energy source replacing coal and natural gas. The purpose of industry is to increase value of product. So that price of timber will increase after this process. Final product will be lighter, stronger and durable than before it is processed. Type of tree which use for this industry is fine woods that had reached 25 years old. Market of this product is North America countries. Price depends on supply and demand. This facilities can reduce moisture of the timber from170% to just 8%. Moisture of final product depend on county which product will be sold. Product moisture is comparison between weight of water and weight of wood. Total cost for building these facilities which use geothermal fluid is about fourteen millions; twelve millions was funded by Contact Energy, the company which drill wells and provide steam to the timber drying system, and the rest by Tenon, the timber drying company. Each year, Tenon can reduce operating cost for 1.2 millions, and pays for Contact Energy about three to four millions. So that for both of them, this is a very good business because pay back period of the project is less than three years. After that, all revenue is profit.
4.Prawn Farm
The species that develop in this farm is Malaysian prawn. This area use geothermal fluid as energy source to keep the pond at 25°C - 32°C, and divide to three kind of pond i.e. for prawn eggs hatching, baby prawn and adult prawn according to temperature of water. They use plate heat exchanger which is transferred heat from geothermal fluid to fresh water. Fresh water temperature increase from 14°C to 40°C and geothermal fluid temperature decrease from 90°C to 60°C. Geothermal fluid rate that flows through to heat exchanger is 480 tonnes per hours and fresh water about 800 tonnes per hours. The problems that faces in this area is silica deposition in pipe, so that it must clean once each two to three weeks. And open the heat exchanger once in three months.
6.Wairakei Terrace
Amount of brine from separator is flowed to certain area to make terraces, silica terraces. This artificial terraces have been becoming a nice place for tourist. This is brilliant idea as another application of geothermal direct use. The brine has another added value in this field.
7.Rotorua Hospital
Simplified Rotorua Polynesian Spa
System in Polynesian Spa is similar to aquatic centre. They have 2 heating system, primary and secondary. They have two sources fluid, one is come from production well and anoher is from the spring, Rachel Spring. In primary heating system, geothermal fluid heats up fresh water. This fresh water which had been heated up at primary system will heat up another fresh water at secondary system. Little amount of fresh water in primary system is used for clothes dryer. This dryer is maybe the first and the only clothes dryer using geothermal fluids. Fresh water that had been heated by secondary heating system will be mixed with water from spring. So that, they have water with high mineral for spa and temperature can be controlled. It is different with aquatic system which used secondary heating system water directly.
9. Conclusion
- Most of direct use application use plate heat exchanger and shell and tube heat exchanger.
- Direct use of geothermal can use as space heating e.g. Mokai Greenhouses, Rotorua Hospital and as dryer e.g. Tenon Timber Dryer, clothes dryer in Polynesian Spa.
- Other purpose is as water heating e.g. Prawn Farm, Aquatic Centre and Polynesian spa and for tourism destination like Wairakei Terraces
- Sources of geothermal fluid can be directly from production well like in Rotorua Hospital, Tenon Timber Dryer, Rotorua Aquatic Centre, Polynesian Spa, or from unused well by power plant e.g. Mokai Greenhouses
- Others sources are brine from separator e.g. Prawn Farm and Wairakei Terraces and from spring like Polynesian Spa.
- Geothermal fluid can heat up working fluid directly (single system) or can Heat up the first working fluid and then first working fluid heat up second working fluids (double system) e.g. Aquatic Centre and Polynesian Spa, working fluid in those both places is fresh water.
- Direct use and indirect use of geothermal can be developed parallel and almost all kinds of direct use are applicable in Indonesia with different methods and commodities.
1. Lund, J.W., (2005): World Wide Direct Uses of Gothermal Energy, Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Antalya, Turkeys
2. Nugraha, H.S., (2007): Wairakei 2nd Field Trip Report, Final Project Report, Geothermal Institute-University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
3. Risdianto, D,. (2007): Wairakei 2nd Field Trip Report, Final Project Report, Geothermal Institute-University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
4. Zarrouk, S., (2007): Direct Use of Geothermal Energy, Geothermal Institute, New Zealand
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